Optimizing Post-Disaster Recovery Interventions in Australia

The Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre, Australian Federal Government

Funding amount: $560,000
Funding period: 2017-2020
Project Implemented byDeakin University
Project Role: Project Leader and Chief Investigator
Project Team: Professor Mehmet Ulubasoglu and Dr Muhammad Habibur Rahman.

Project Description:The primary objective of this research project is to estimate the sector-disaggregated economic effects of the QLD Floods 2010-11, the Black Saturday Bushfires 2009, and Cyclone Oswald 2013 to support the decision-making process in the design of post-disaster recovery interventions.

Pre-Disaster Multi-Hazard Damage and Economic Loss Estimation Model

The Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre, Australian Federal Government

Funding amount: $525,000
Funding period: 2014-2016
Project Implemented byDeakin University, University of Melbourne, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre
Project Role: Project Leader (joint chief-investigator Prof Abbas Rajabifard, University of Melbourne)
Project Team:The project team is multi-disciplinary and comprised by researchers from Deakin University, the University of Melbourne, and Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre.

Project Description:The emergency response system in Australia has proven to be effective in saving lives but the mitigation and preparedness phases in disaster risk reduction appears to be less successful in minimising the adverse economic impacts of natural disasters.

This project investigates, at the national level, the economic impact of natural disasters on sectoral growth of the Australian economy.


Developing Climate Inclusive Potential Loss and Damage Assessment Methodology for Flood Hazards

M. Ulubasoglu and C. Guven, 25,500, 2015-2016, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Bangkok, Thailand.

Integrating Natural Disasters in Economic Modelling: Phase II

M. Ulubasoglu $9,000. 2012-2013. Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Bangkok, Thailand.

Integrating Natural Disasters in Economic Modelling : Phase I

M. Ulubasoglu $9,000. 2010-2011. Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Bangkok, Thailand.

Australian Domestic Demand Elasticities for Rural Marketing and Policy Analysis

M. Ulubasoglu, D. Mallick, M. Wadud, P. Hone, H. Haszler, $70,000. 2007-2010. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Australian Government, Canberra, Australia.
See the report here
report-1    report-2